El Rey del Mundo

El Rey del Mundo
  1. Special Price 35.00 USD Regular Price 39.00 USD
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    Special Price 35.00 USD Regular Price 39.00 USD


El Rey del Mundo, like its Cubano counterparts, has a storied past that dates back to 1848. Its name, which translates to "The King of the World," reflects the brand's aspirations for excellence and global recognition. Though the true facts are hazy at best, the brand is mostly believed to have been founded by a German businessman, Emilio Ohmstedt, who was also behind the Sancho Panza cigar brand.

El Rey del Mundo's longevity truly sets it apart, predating the Cuban Revolution.  As an already well-established brand going into the 19th century, El Rey del Mundo’s cigars garnered a reputation for quality craftsmanship and unrivaled flavors. After decades of production at the Antonio Allones factory, in 1882, the decision was boldly made to launch one of the finest cigars the world had ever seen. Over the years, they became a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for their consistent excellence.

El Rey del Mundo's cigars are famous for their careful selection of tobacco leaves, with an emphasis on unique flavor and aroma. The brand's dedication to maintaining its historical legacy is evident in the meticulous attention to detail in the cigar-making process.

Today, El Rey del Mundo continues to churn out fan favorites such as the Choix Supreme, an elite cigar with scores of 90+ reviews and accolades. From the 1800s to the modern day, El Rey del Mundo endured as a jewel in the crown of classic Cuban cigars, a brand that’s cherished dearly by aficionados around the world. A truly timeless brand, buyers can celebrate these premium Cuban cigars as the true kings of the world!

Considered the quintessential Cuban cigar brand, Cohiba is celebrated globally for its unparalleled quality, craftsmanship, and prestige. Established in 1966 as a private brand for Fidel Castro and high-ranking government officials, Cohiba later became available to the public in the 1990s, cementing its reputation as a symbol of luxury and sophistication.