Sancho Panza
The construction of the Sancho Panza brand of cigars is very well executed and the cigar has a rich flavour which is subtle and quite exceptional among all the cigars made in Cuba. The cigars are among the most sophisticated ones among all the cigars which are made in Havana and are very popular especially in Spain. The cigars are very elegant and irrespective of whether the smoker is new, seasoned, or an occasional one, he can find them very suitable for his taste. The cigar comes in different sizes all of which give a taste of mild and balanced flavour of herbs and spices.
The Sancho Panza brand of cigars is available in the stores in Canada, Africa, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, the Caribbean islands, the Far East and also in the Middle East. A new smoker may find the cigar rather enjoyable but it may taste a bit mild to the seasoned smoker. In any case the cigar gives a good and flawless smoking experience during all occasions.